KDAG Monthly Update | January 1–31, 2023 by KDAG Foundation

KDAG Foundation
2 min readFeb 27, 2023

[Technology Development]

1. In Github, the KDAG Dev team has committed the code 30 times and modified 42 files.

2. Exchange and community technical support, testing to solve code module logic problems.

The details are as follows:

  1. kdag/giverny: send INVALID instead of INVALID_BLOCK_HASH. This change will break one hive test, but pass another and it will be the better way going forward.
  2. kdag/testnet: use unified emptyRootHash and emptyCodeHash. The EmptyRootHash and EmptyCodeHash are defined everywhere in the codebase, replaces all of them with unified one defined in core/types package, and also defines constants for TxRoot, WithdrawalsRoot and KdagRoot.
  3. kdag/downloader: handle missing withdrawals if empty list is expected. This relaxes the block body ingress handling a bit: if block body withdrawals are missing (but expected to be empty), the body withdrawals are set to ‘empty list’ before being passed to upper layers.
  4. kdag/testnet/p2p: reduce output of node crawle. The discovery crawler spits out a huge amount of logs, most of which is pretty non-interesting. This change moves the very verbose output to Debug, and adds a 8-second status log message giving the general idea about what’s going on.
  5. tests: supply gnark multiexp config. This change fixes a fuzzer which broke when we updated the gnark dependency earlier.
  6. kdag/core: set tracer-observable value of a delegatecall to match parent `value`. This is a breaking change in the tracing hooks API as well as semantics of the callTracer.
  7. core/trie: remove unused error-return from trie Commit operation.
  8. accounts/abi: fix go.mod replacement for generated binding.



KDAG Foundation

Creating a new generation of blockchain infrastructure.